Набивка диагонального плетения из Е-стеклянной пряжи, импрегнированная специальным ПТФЭ составом с графитом. Экономный вариант набивки для уплотнения насосов и арматуры при температуре до 280º С. Предназначена для низкой скорости, по причине абразивности самой набивки. Графит способствует отводу тепла из зоны контакта и имеет самосмазывающиеся свойства.


Diagonally braided gland packing produced by an advanced-guarded technology for static sealing, made by glass fibre, which is worked and covered with a special graphite system. This combination allows high density and good flexibility, which makes the hermetic ability of AVKOPACK 1530 better.

AVKOPACK 1530 is designed for static sealing of lids, man-holes, doors, etc. In facilities, machines and apparatus, cauldrons, furnaces, etc. with high temperature. The packing may be used in conditions with steam, lubricants, heating fluids, remade gases, in heating plants when work with coal dust and other.

Working temperature: +550 °C
Working pressure:
— for armature: 200 bar
pH: 5 – 11
V 1,5 m/s
Colour: black

HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION: No harmful effects ascertained.

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